Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Aku Hairan Adik Perangai Semacam.. Lepas Tu Pakai Purdah. Rupanya Lepas 3 Tahun Segalanya TERBONGKAR! JOM TENGOK!!

Whether it is a baby's lullaby, a classical piece or pop music of the generation, music certainly plays a large role in our lives. Entertaining, a song can uplift, make us laugh or cry, get us up and moving, or engaged in the moment like no other. Being able to create music can be learned, but the true artist has the ability already there since birth - a powerful talent that stirs emotions of anyone who listens. Like any entertainer or public performer though, the professional musician has certain undeniable risks. The exposures to the risks are varied due to the differences in each type of music player. What factors determine the difference in the exposure? You might say they can be categorized by the following issues: 1. What type of musical instrument the musician uses 2. What type of audience the musician plays for 3. What type of management the musician uses for performances and business distribution of music To explain number one: what type of musical instrument is used: it really depends on the kind of instrument. No one will deny there is a difference in a guitar and a grand piano and the exposure to injury or harm is also different. There is a further variance, however and that is in reference to value. Just as the guitar and piano differ in cost, so does it for the trombone, a saxophone, a fiddle, a harp, a violin, a drum set and so on. Clearly, insurance for the pricier instrument will be more involved. The second consideration, of course, is what type of crowd the performing musician plays for. A special event in a large outdoor stadium that houses thousands and a hundred-people event in a local social hall obviously has differing exposures. Naturally, as well, the musician that fends for him or herself to get hired and have his or her music produced for the public will need to get busy with acquiring the right type of coverage as opposed to the music guy that signs up with a talent agent that handles engagements, recordings and distributions, travel arrangements along with associated commercial insurance coverage. For those musicians that think their Homeowners Insurance will cover them if their musical instrument is stolen, lost or damaged, it is time to think again. A standard Homeowners policy solely covers the amateur player. Musical instruments played by professionals need a floater that ensures coverage for transporting them by car, truck, van and so on, as well as for off-premises exposures. Music to the Ears in a Different Sense It is essential for the musician to speak with an experienced independent agency in order to determine the type of coverage that is the right fit.

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