So the word is out: a child makes his or her way into the gorilla arena at the zoo; there is a ten minute interlude; the zoo decides to shoot the animal in order to protect the child. The result is one dead gorilla, one safe child, two grateful parents and scores of relieved but grieving zookeepers.
What follows next is something that can only be explained as sheer pandemonium! The public outrage and outcry is currently at a level that is rarely seen. Poor child? Poor parents? Poor zoo? Or poor gorilla?
If surface appearances mean anything at all, at the rate the comments are being posted everywhere on social media, the gorilla has actually been deemed the genuine liability victim with the most votes of sympathy.
This article is in no way about to conform to society's norms and vote any which way except to confirm that it sure is good that the institute of commercial and personal insurance is a vibrant force in today's business and personal world. Without doubt, insurance claims and lawsuits are about to follow, spurring more interest and debate about something that to many is a clear cut, open and shut case of cause and effect.
In general, brushing up on some tips at home before getting into your family car and driving off to the zoo is a very good idea.
• Never allow children to irritate the animals. Knocking at glass enclosure windows or bars, making fun of them in any way or doing anything that would cause them to become irritated can lead to the animal getting angry and behaving violently or dangerously.
• Never lift a child above safety guards that are installed in order to prohibit contact with caged animals. Unfortunately, doing so is only flirting with danger. Accidents do happen even though we would all wish them to vanish in thin air. And there have been cases where children have involuntary been dropped to face the ferocity of wild zoo animals.
• Keep an active eye on children at all times. Children will be children and wild animals will be wild animals. As the gorilla scenario clearly paints, no matter how impossible it appears, little ones can and do find a way to enter what may seem like an impossible entrance way and an all-too risky encounter.
• Train kids to ask for help from the right type of people in the event they find themselves astray in the zoo. Authorized zoo workers, police officers and women who are with other children are the safest type of people a lost child should go to for help. Parents should compensate for a small child's lack of your contact info knowledge by attaching a phone number prominently on clothing.
Notwithstanding the noisy commotion posted in the media coverage, a zoo can be the best place for a family to spend quality time with loved ones - not something to be taken lightly in life!
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